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oil refiner中文是什么意思

用"oil refiner"造句"oil refiner"怎么读"oil refiner" in a sentence


  • 净油器
  • 炼油器


  • China raised petrol prices by 10 % last november , but oil refiners are still being forced to sell fuel below its international cost , which has caused shortages at petrol stations
    中国在11月把汽油价格上涨了10 ,但炼油商仍不得不以低于国际成本的价格进行销售,这造成加油站的供应紧缺。
  • Sovereign signalled last month that it had given up its two - year quest to reform corporate governance practices at sk corp , saying it no longer planned to try to wield influence over management at the world ' s second - biggest oil refiner
  • Lkswagen of germany has settled its central laboratory in china in the beijing chemical engineering research institute of china petroleum and chemical corporation sinopec , said sources with the sinopec wednesday . this is the top - level lab of volkswagen in asia and pacific region and it marks another instance of cooperation between volkswagen of germany with sinopec , china s biggest oil refiner
    A50领衔,携旗下两款威尼斯之旅都灵v救护车电力工程车4 4越野车共六款主力和适合西部地区使用的车型参加南京地区的名优产品推介会,充分展示了依维柯公司强大的技术力量和产品资源。
用"oil refiner"造句  
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